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Hangzhou SECK Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd Hangzhou SECK Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd

About SECK

For more than 20 years, it has maintained steady development and provided stable and reliable intelligent water technology, products and services for water enterprises. At present, in the intelligent water meter metering and pipe network detection technology has been in a leading position.

SECK guided by relevant national development planning, and combined with water companies in a safe water supply, water saving and reducing consumption, personnel & equipment efficiency of internal demand, play in intelligent sensing, IOT, econometric analysis technical advantages, developed a stable and mature smart water product: Intelligent automatic measuring meter reading system, the scheduling system for real-time monitoring of water meter, Intelligent water management platform, and so on. SECK’s production has been widely recognized by water utilities enterprises, and has be regarded as a long-term high-quality partner by more than 500 water utilities enterprises in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Nanning.


In Sep., Hangzhou SECK Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd was listed successfully.


The company’s 20th anniversary. In the same year, SECK became the standing director unit of China Urban Water Supply and Drainage Association.


Build the SECK smart industrial park.


In May, awarded the Science and Technology Progress Award.


In Jul., renamed “Hangzhou SECK Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd”, and established Flow Meter Research and Development Center jointly with Measurement and Test Engineering College of China Jiliang Universtiy.


In Dec. the Smart Water Research Center was established jointly with the institute of Engineering and Research of Zhejiang University.


In Jul, set up production base in Ningbo, and in Dec., settled in Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City.


In Feb. became a member of China Urban Water Supply Association.


In Sep. was identified as a National Level High Tech Enterprise.


In Jul. passed the ISO9001, 2008 quality certification system for the first time. In Sep. the company’s technology center passed the Hangzhou Municipal Enterprise Technology Center Certification.

22 years of focus on high-quality intelligent water
Long term high-quality partners
Customer satisfaction up to 99.7%
Team size of more than 600 employees
All product

Intelligent Remote Water Meter


Electronic Water Meter


Water Supply Pipe Network Monitoring Equipment


Smart Water Management Platform


All Cases
石狮市| 公主岭市| 富蕴县| 申扎县| 乌恰县| 霍邱县| 长岭县| 蒙城县| 西平县| 滨州市| 碌曲县| 唐海县| 迁西县| 观塘区| 丰顺县| 汶上县| 乳山市| 板桥市| 田林县| 咸宁市| 会泽县| 如东县| 文化| 东丰县| 肇庆市| 萍乡市| 巴东县| 平定县| 新郑市| 通许县| 万载县| 苗栗市| 城步| 普安县| 噶尔县| 黄龙县| 铜川市| 阜宁县| 博乐市| 云和县| 东源县|